Sunday, June 30, 2013

Time Capsule: Rugrats.....

Tommy. Chuckie. Phil. Lil. Angelica. Susie. The original rugrats and the ones who started it all. I can remember clambering to the t.v. to tune into the new episode of the Rugrats to see what adventure the Rugrats had gotten themselves into next. You might have seen them all grown up but nothing beats the classics when they were babies and getting into all sorts of mischief and mayhem. What do you remember or know about them? What is your favorite Rugrat? leave your comments below!

Randoms: Somewhere Over The Rainbow.....

Pulled from the classic film: The Wizard of Oz

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fun Recipes: Rice Crispy Treats....

When you are looking at Willy The Sparrow you don't want to be hungry right?! Don't worry though I got you covered. Here is a treat to get you through this film: Rice Crispy Treats!

3 tablespoons of butter or Margarine
1 pack (10oz--about 40) regular marshmallow or 4 cups of small marshmallows
6 cups of rice krispies cereal

In large sauce pan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows until melted then remove from heat. Then add cereal till it is well coated and mixed. Next using a buttered spatula or wax paper, press mix down in a 13x9 baking pan coated with cooking spary. Cool.  After it has cooled cut into square pieces and serve!

Movie Night: Willy The Sparrow.....

Chim Cha Chim Cha Chim Cher-ee is probably what you are going to be saying after seeing the movie: Willy the Sparrow! This Hungarian movie later released in English tells a story of a boy named Willy who is turned into a sparrow after attempting to harm a group of sparrows with his bb gun by sparrow guardian Sparina. She by doing this teaches him to respect all creatures whether big or small as well to be kind and respectful. He learns a lot along the way even helping a sparrow by the name of Cipur how to read. Though he is faced with many obstacles as a sparrow, he comes out of this a kinder and better kid making you by the end of this film, want to be apart of the sparrow world! So for my Friday night movie choice, I choose Willy in Willy The Sparrow!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Books To Read: Parkville High

What better way to start of the week and these series of posts than with the author of the week Heddrick Mcbride! With that being said let’s dive into this post with the author’s favorite book which happens to be his first book entitled: Parkville High. In this book it talks about four teenagers who are challenged with different disabilities and who are faced with many different obstacles (racial tension, bullying, family issues, and dating). This thrilling story motivates, entertains, educates, as well as teaches the fundamentals of life a common thread within all of McBride's books. It also bridges the social gap of both disabled and non-disabled alike. As you read you will find that Arthur, Hector, Jennifer, and Stacy are relatable characters and who are in the end much like you and I making it a great book. If you are ever looking for a good read with real issues put in and fun and interesting way than Parkville High is the read for you! 

Author Spotlight: Heddrick McBride......

        Writing books aren’t an easy feat. Even the thought of writing something as simple as a paragraph can send chills. But when author Heddrick McBride grew tiresome of the books he was reading to his 5-year-old named Skylar, he knew he had to do something. After receiving his degree in Political Science at Morgan State University in 2002 and traveling back to New York after working at a group home in Baltimore for three years, an idea sprung in his mind. Every night when it was time for bed, Heddrick would read to his daughter. Upon reading to Skylar one night, he began to feel he was reading too many books that were outdated and not representing families like his own and the people of today. So McBride instead of grumbling about his dissatisfaction started to write a book of his own.

        It first started in his living room when he began to write down things he felt were not normally said.  It would as a result provide “a voice to those not normally represented in children’s books.” In here, only supplied with his computer and his imagination, McBride continued writing from February of last year until he was finished. Finished with his works all grounded in teaching the basic and fundamental skills and values he felt were missing in today’s technology based world. Some of the most popular stories written even include stories from his own daughter Skylar called Sky’s Stories. Others like Parkville High, which is a book about four disabled teenagers, include the principles mentioned above. He also was able to write a book with his long time high school friend basketball player and Lakers’ very own Ron Artest (Metta World Peace) on a collection of stories called Metta’s Bedtime Stories.  A total of 16 books were written in his first year with Metta’s book coming after. “Making quality work and having the money to make good works can be a challenge”, says Heddrick but that notion hasn’t stopped him yet. As stated in our interview, he is committed to educating because as Heddrick knows “a good book lasts forever.”

        Aside from this, Heddrick wants people to keep in mind a few things. The first is for up and coming authors to think outside the box and create a lane for themselves when writing and also, for parents to read to their children as much as they can because it helps greatly with communication, confidence, public speaking, and the overall feeling of being smart. “I feel blessed to have the opportunity to provide a book series for children" says author Heddrick McBride. "I always hoped to be a basketball player as a child but, this is more meaning [full] to society.” And for that Heddrick, I as well as many others couldn’t ask for more. So in honor of Heddrick McBrides’ motivation and willingness to educate as well as make the effort to speak for those who are not heard, I and everyone else at UHE-TV would like to congratulate Heddrick on being our first and honorary author in UHETV-Kids Blog’s Author in the Spotlight!

Want to know more about McBride's works? Click here!

Tip Of The Week: Sibling Rivalry!

Sibling Rivalry. It is something a lot of siblings go through that can leave one angry and mad. Who is better at this or who can do that more can weigh a kid down. And two siblings not being able to stand each other can be super tuff and even worse when… you share a room! And who wants that? I know I don’t. So to help in this problem, here are some ways I found to help with: sibling rivalry! 1. No comparing each other! You and your brother or sister are special and are not always good at the same things. No two are the same and that is ok. If one sister is good at singing and the other is good and playing piano, don’t be mad at each other instead teach each other and make a band! If one person can’t do what the other can do, pat them on the back and celebrate what they are good at. 2. It is not competition! One sibling having longer hair then the other or a different type is nothing to compete about! Nor is the tone of your skin. Moreover, if your brother is taller and you are shorter, don’t sweat it. Who says you being short is a bad thing? If someone does say that just know that it is there problem and not yours. And the final tip number 3 is No bossing each other around! Nobody likes a bossy person. If you are an older sibling, you can always give advice and tell your younger siblings things for their own good but never do it in a bossy way. This only makes them not listen even more. This also goes for younger siblings too. And that means not using your parents to boss your older sibling around when you can’t get your way! With all of that being said, you all should get along. You all are sibling for a reason and you should always do your best in getting along with one another. You will find in the end that you all need each other and have a lot more in common than you first thought! 


Mutant. Goddess. Queen. Leader. All of these things and more have been used to describe a woman who has become an iconic super heroine in Marvel Comics: Storm Mistress of the elements! With her power to control weather itself, she has become a strong force for her team and allies alike. And because of it, her unmatched dynamic style and presence has glided across many comics. If there were ever a person that young girls could look up to aside from Wonder Woman of DC Comics, X-men Storm is your answer! So to start of the week in heroic fashions, Storm mistress of the elements is your Random of the week!

Friday, June 14, 2013



         Here you will get all you need to know about things happening on the official website as well as tips, fun facts, randoms (which are posts of interesting and fun pictures, quotes,etc...) that will make you smile a little more each day. Not only is this blog here to make you smile but it is also here to inspire and help those who need cheering up or a little inspiration when they have a "rainy day"! Take a look around, you'll feel better in no time! 

Movie Night!

Have you ever wanted to go on a magic carpet ride, travel to distance lands in search of golden lamps with your pet monkey Abu, and befriend a genie that can grant all your wishes? Well with Aladdin you get just that! It's a classic Disney movie that gives all of this and more. A "whole new world" is awaiting you along with some popcorn and your best friend.  Gone on and watch the movie to see for yourself! It wouldn't be a fun movie if I told you everything know would it!?


"Roses are red, violet's are blue, if you want something bad enough then it will come true!"
                                                                                                                             - Lamb Chop : Land of No Manners

Fun Recipes: Marshmallows!

I bet you alway's wondered: "Where do marshmallows come from? Are they puffs of air? Are they given by some magical person that comes to houses late at night? Are they pieces of clouds fallen from the sky? They very well could be all of those things but there is a way to take all or least some of the wonder out of marshmallows. What's that? Well it is simple by making them ourselves of course! You are going to need a parent so grab one that is close by! Here is how to make marshmallows!

  • 1 cup of water + 1 more cup of water for the marshmallow root
  • 1 tablespoon of "magical" marshmallow root [if you can't find because it's magical that's OK! :-) ]
  • 4 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup of honey (from a friendly bee. Make sure you say please!)
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla 
Boil a cup of water and pour it over the marshmallow root. Stir it and let sit for 5 minutes then drain water. Combine 1/2 cup of water with gelatin and side aside. Pour other half of water with that honey from a bee you asked in a saucepan and heat until it reaches 240 degrees (make sure you don't stir the honey and water!). Now after you do that have your mommy or daddy mix with a mixer the gelatin and honey for 5-10 minutes (pour the honey very slowly while mixing). Once it has turned into a white fluff spread in a 9x13 pan greased or covered in parchment paper and let sit for 8 hours. I know it takes a while but the magic has to set! After that have your mom or dad cut the marshmallows into squares with a knife dipped in oil (coconut oil please!). And there you have it! Delicious fluffy and puffy marshmallows!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Family Tip #1,

It is the summer. Kids on vacation and you don't know what to do. Knowing kids, I feel the best way to  not have a bored kid is to do things that they like and make it fun! Go to the beach, see a movie or take them out for ice cream. Even simple things like coloring with them will make time spent with each other fun! Everybody knows how time flies when your having fun right! Tap into the inner child that you have (or forgotten about) and before you know it, you'll be having just as much fun as they are!


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