Monday, June 24, 2013

Tip Of The Week: Sibling Rivalry!

Sibling Rivalry. It is something a lot of siblings go through that can leave one angry and mad. Who is better at this or who can do that more can weigh a kid down. And two siblings not being able to stand each other can be super tuff and even worse when… you share a room! And who wants that? I know I don’t. So to help in this problem, here are some ways I found to help with: sibling rivalry! 1. No comparing each other! You and your brother or sister are special and are not always good at the same things. No two are the same and that is ok. If one sister is good at singing and the other is good and playing piano, don’t be mad at each other instead teach each other and make a band! If one person can’t do what the other can do, pat them on the back and celebrate what they are good at. 2. It is not competition! One sibling having longer hair then the other or a different type is nothing to compete about! Nor is the tone of your skin. Moreover, if your brother is taller and you are shorter, don’t sweat it. Who says you being short is a bad thing? If someone does say that just know that it is there problem and not yours. And the final tip number 3 is No bossing each other around! Nobody likes a bossy person. If you are an older sibling, you can always give advice and tell your younger siblings things for their own good but never do it in a bossy way. This only makes them not listen even more. This also goes for younger siblings too. And that means not using your parents to boss your older sibling around when you can’t get your way! With all of that being said, you all should get along. You all are sibling for a reason and you should always do your best in getting along with one another. You will find in the end that you all need each other and have a lot more in common than you first thought! 

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