Monday, September 23, 2013

Tips: Not Losing Yourself....

In school you can go through a lot of ups and downs. Trying to fit in is one of them. Everyone wants to be popular and everyone wants someone to sit with at lunch or play with them on the monkey bars.  Do you how to do that?  The best way to do that though is to simply be the oh so special you that no one else can be! I have been there, I know :-) !  It will save you time from people uncovering the not true you and it save you from friends who are not really your friends. Kids like honest kids. Kids like other kids that they can relate to. If you aren't being honest, you can never know what you and Billy Bob or Sam I am have in common! Maybe you all like eating green eggs and ham on a plane or heck, even on a train! Someone likes the color purple just like you and even jumping in mud puddles when it is raining. When I was honest and plain ol' me with my friends, I discovered these things. Who knew we all like the Power Rangers and Pokemon the First Movie? It is easy and all you have to do is take the first step. Never loose yourself to anyone or anything!

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