Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tips: Back to School/ The importance of friends.....

Hey Y'all... I'm Back!!! After getting settled into school, I am here again to give you all a tip I am sure will come in handy! But enough of that, let's dive right in...

How does it feel going back to school?! Is it fun?! Is it exciting?! I am sure it is. I can imagine all the old friends that you met up with again and the new ones who will be familiar faces too in no time. This goes for you all who are at a new school too! I know you were excited to discover a new bunch of kids with some of them coming to a new school just like you!!! know, this reminds me of the fun times I had going to school. I can vividly remember playing at recess with my friends and just doing all the fun stuff that us kids do! And what make this more memorable is that I still hang out with them to this day. Because of this this, it brings me to my tip of the week: The importance of friends.

Friends are important. They are there for you when you are down and they are there to share and make memorable to times with. They are even there to help you discover things that you never knew about...even if those things are about yourself! How many times did you not something but your best friend did? Or how about when you were scared of something and your friend scared or not, walked fearlessly with you it? It is important to treat those friends right and to always be there for them too whether you are sitting with them at lunch or giggling next to them in class after telling a really funny joke! Friends are important and special just like you. And I promise you those friends will last a lifetime. Who knows.....that good friend could even be YOU!

What makes a good friend? Are you a good friend? Leave comments below!

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