Friday, June 28, 2013

Movie Night: Willy The Sparrow.....

Chim Cha Chim Cha Chim Cher-ee is probably what you are going to be saying after seeing the movie: Willy the Sparrow! This Hungarian movie later released in English tells a story of a boy named Willy who is turned into a sparrow after attempting to harm a group of sparrows with his bb gun by sparrow guardian Sparina. She by doing this teaches him to respect all creatures whether big or small as well to be kind and respectful. He learns a lot along the way even helping a sparrow by the name of Cipur how to read. Though he is faced with many obstacles as a sparrow, he comes out of this a kinder and better kid making you by the end of this film, want to be apart of the sparrow world! So for my Friday night movie choice, I choose Willy in Willy The Sparrow!

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