Thursday, October 17, 2013

Author's Spotlight: April Chu.....

Author's Spotlight: April Chu!

 You know, everyone has great talents. Some people can sing, others can dance, some are really great at solving problems while there are those that are very skilled at putting things together like a director or a script writer! April Chu's moreover, happens to be a talent of being really good at illustrating and storytelling! April Chu, an architect with a degree in Architeture from the University of California, is not only great at using her abilities for business, she is also brilliant at using her abilites of illustrating and storytelling for books and poems! Here is her story:

As April puts it, her first memories of this great talent started when she was just a little girl. "One of my most vivid and earliest memories as a young child was my drawing of an old man on a stool." Amazed at [my] work [ I ] showed it to her grandmother. [My] grandmother in amazement of this life like drawing showed [my] mother. "Did you know your daughter could draw?!" she stated. Both were very impressed. That approval was all Amy needed because after that, April Chu fell in love with her new found gift. As much as she could, she as a result would draw. Everyday after watching cartoons, she would draw and create her own characters and stories, filling up her school notebooks with her "outlandish" designs! And with those outlandish design, she would continue drawing and drawing allowing herself to perfect her gift which propelled her to do many great things!

One of those things happening to be her becoming a member of SCBWI (Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators). The other is her illustrating two books both of which will be out in the spring and fall of 2014! And all that from just one doodle. How Cool is that?! Very cool if you ask me! April has definitely come a long way from doodling in her notebooks and watching cartoons on television! And because she has come a long way, it teaches all of us a valuable lesson: Dreams and talents can take you far; all you have to do is believe in yourself and what you are good at. From there no one can shake or break your spirit. Take a note or two even a doodle from our Author/Illusrator in the spotlight: April Chu!

.......And just in case you wanted to know more about her works:

Summoning  the Phoenix: Poems and Probes About Chinese Musical Instruments (Spring 2014)
Follow her on twitter: TWITTER!

Visit Official Site: APRIL CHU!

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