Monday, August 12, 2013

Family Tips School Edition: Preparing for First Day of School......

It is that time of the year again where you pick out that newly bought outfit, shoes, and, backpack for that first day of school! It is fun to go back to school better than ever whether it be at the same school  or a totally new one. Seeing old friends is exciting. Making new ones, is even more exciting. But while this can be fun some, for others it can be very scary and unsettling. Maybe going back to school for some can be not so cool because they didn't have friends or they were bullied. Or maybe going to a new school can be uncomfortable because we are going somewhere we have never been before. Because things like this happen to kids like you and me, I want to make sure we have a game plan on how to go back to school with a new attitude so you can make the most of your school adventure!

One tip I can give to you for today is to: NOT BE SCARED! If you go into school being afraid, you are going to create something to be afraid of and you don't want that. Think of the time you had from school as the time you spent building your invisible armor to put on so can handle anything that comes your way! Coming to school happy and positive will invite you to meet some new and great friends with some of them being kids you weren't cool with the year before. Know that being your unique self is the best way to have a great time because everybody likes people that are themselves. Besides, someone is always feeling how you feel. You will never know until you be yourself that, you will always find some things in common with others you never thought you had!

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