Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time Capsule: ThunderCats.....


What a classic line for a classic television show! You know, fighting Mumm-Ra and his evil legion of mutants weren't always easy but Lion-O and the Thundercats sure did make it look that way! Springing forth out of the late 80's, this show would undeniably become one of the greatest and most thrilling cartoons to date. It made its way onto Toonami (Cartoonnetwork) in the 90's and once again by Cartoonetwork in July of 2011 only this time around showing Lion-O as a teenager rather then the child turned wielder of the Sword of Omens as in the original. As a result, the remake re-introduced the Thundercats to a newer audience, bringing it back into the spotlight and gathering new fans. And boy did it help! However, whether you are a new fan or an old one I think if you really want to get familiar with how it all started you should definitely start with the oldies! I am sure you will like it. As they say an oldie is still a goodie!

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