Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fun Facts: Dr. Seuss Invents "The Nerd".....

Dr. Seuss has created "cats" and "hats" and "Sam I Am" eating that famous "green eggs and ham" but did you know he created a....NERD!

That's right! In 1950 in the book "If I Ran The Zoo," Dr. Seuss created that word this tells of an intelligent minded person who has a knack for an oh-so special certain something they love! And with this being true, did you know in the book however, it was used to describe a small animal from the land of Ka-Troo?! Yup! How surpising!

If I Ran The Zoo!

In this book it tells of a kid name Gerald McGrew who visits the zoo and feel the exotic animals there aren't "exotic enough." So he instead imagines the type of animals he would bring once he let's all of the current animals out and new "more exotic" animals in:"And then, just to show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo/And bring back an It-Kutch, a Prep, and a Proo/ A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker too!"-- Gerald McGrew. Imagine if all of those animals where real, they sure would have some crazy names now wouldn't they?! 

I bet you are wondering, "how can I read this book it looks and sounds like fun?! Well,  luckily for you can you can head to this zoo right before going to Ka-Troo and see all the wild and crazy animals like It-Kutch, Prep, and a Proo/ A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker too! Just take a look below and look-see-and-hear McGrew's Zoo with the downloadable book and read and listen edition for your smart device below!!!

Books To Read

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